
Developing a Skate Park for Kangaroo Flat – Community consultation and outcomes summary

3 August 2022

Thank you for your interest in this project. We have prepared a final concept plan for the skate park based on community input plus a summary of the engagement process and outcomes.

  • The report is a summary of the engagement process and an analysis of the outcomes
  • The engagement and analysis process has delivered a final concept design for the skate park
  • The City responded to community calls for a skate park and decided in 2017 that this facility was required to service needs
  • The proposed project site is located on Crown Land along the Bendigo Creek Trail , Gateway Park area, Kangaroo Flat.
  • Community consultation happened in two stages, initially focusing on feedback from two simplified designs of skate park design and surrounding options of seating, drinking fountains, artwork and shade sails
  • Feedback from Stage 1 allowed a concept design to be developed for a second round of community consultation

The City appreciates the community contribution to this final Concept Plan. The engagement processes have been vital in its development. Thank you everyone!

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This report contains full details of the final concept design and the consultation methodology that allowed you to have your say.