
What we've been working on for Elmore Structure Plan

9 September 2024

We have made progress on developing the Elmore Structure Plan and supporting documents.

The Structure Plan will:

  • Detail a long term vision for how to guide change in Elmore over the next 25 years
  • Consider the needs of the community
  • Identify what growth opportunities exist
  • Recommend facilities, services and infrastructure to support that growth
  • Respect the existing character and qualities of the town

The Structure Plan needs input from the community and many background documents. We've recently been working on:

  • Technical reports which have current flood, bushfire, heritage and service information
  • Potential road safety improvements with traffic engineers
  • Ensuring the Structure Plan aligns with our Managed Growth Strategy.

The Managed Growth Strategy gives guidance on housing growth and neighbourhood character. It will be the overarching planning framework for all of Greater Bendigo.

Exhibition of the draft Elmore Structure Plan documents may rely on Managed Growth Strategy timing.