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Status: In progress

On this page:

What's next

The City will now seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to progress a planning scheme amendment to implement the zone and overlay changes. This would be subject to a separate public exhibition process.

This project page will remain open until the planning scheme for Managed Growth is completed. We will publish news updates on this page.

Any future events or engagement on Managed Growth leading up to the finalisation of the planning scheme will be provided on this page.

Information sessions

Project updates


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Background Research

    July - August 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Issues and Opportunities Paper

    September 2021 - January 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Consultation Issues and Opportunities Paper

    February 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Draft Managed Growth Strategy

    2023 -2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Consultation Draft Managed Growth Strategy

    May 28 - July 12, 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Final Managed Growth Strategy presented to Council for adoption

    September 2024

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning

    Outcome will be shared on this page

The strategies

The City of Greater Bendigo is Victoria's second largest regional municipality. It will need to accommodate around 87,000 new residents by 2056.

To make sure we can accommodate this growth, the City has prepared a Managed Growth Strategy which sets out a framework for how a long term supply of housing will be delivered and a Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy which provides detail about where the growth should be accommodated.

We developed these strategies based on extensive consultation through the Imagine Greater Bendigo project in 2021 and the Managed Growth Issues and Opportunities Paper in 2022. We worked with key agencies in 2023. Consultation on the strategies was open until July 12, 2024.

Short summary of the strategies

Read our frequently asked questions that summarise what the strategies do and what it means for you.

Find out how this affects you

This search will show all properties considered through the draft Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy and Neighbourhood Character Overlay and Significant Landscape Overlay review.

It does not include the following areas:

  • Properties within the Bendigo City Centre which will be the subject of a separate upcoming planning scheme amendment
  • Huntly as this area will be considered through the Structure Planning process currently underway
  • Marong as planning scheme controls are being applied through Amendment C263gben to implement the Marong Township Structure Plan
  • Rural areas or rural townships outside of Axedale, Heathcote and Elmore. The City has recently commenced a Rural Areas Strategy which will consider these areas

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Bridget Maplestone
Phone 1300 002 642

Phone: 1300 002 642

National Relay Service: 133 677 (then quote 1300 002 642)