
Strathdale Community Hub - we heard you!

13 December 2021

We asked for your feedback on the draft concept plans for the Strathdale Community Hub upgrade between August 16 and October 8, 2021. We heard from more than 30 people from a diverse cross section of the community as illustrated in the following diagram.

Demographic breakdown of submissions on Strathdale Community Hub

This feedback provides valuable thoughts on both internal and external aspects of the project including:

These responses will help to ensure upgrades to the current facility will transform it to a flexible multipurpose building, which may be used for a range of community activities that support the needs of the local area in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

Currently this feedback is being reviewed, in 2022 we will report back on how this input has helped to shape the next stages of the project. Future opportunities for further community input will be advertised as we progress.