
Maiden Gully Recreation Reserve Update

7 November 2023

The Draft Site and Infrastructure Plan for the Maiden Gully Recreation Reserve was open for community feedback between August 11 and September 15, 2023. In total we received 80 responses, from 1394 views on the page by 959 visitors. We also spoke to representatives of key user groups of the site in person, and 58 people at 3 listening posts. The most common themes in the feedback were:

Feedback: What do you like about the plan?

Feedback: What’s missing?

Feedback: Is there anything that you would change to make the reserve more accessible, safe and welcoming?

Feedback: Other comments

What's next

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback. Your feedback is valuable to the development of this plan. Once we have completed the targeted consultation, and collated and reviewed all the feedback, a Consultation Summary Report and updated Site Plan will be published to the Let’s Talk project page. In the coming years, prioritised elements of the Site Plan will be considered in Council's budget deliberations.