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Status: In progress

We are redesigning Maiden Gully Recreation Reserve to meet the current and future needs of the community. We asked for your feedback on the draft Site Plan in August and September 2023.

Maiden Gully is one of Greater Bendigo’s fastest growing communities. The City wants to develop the reserve so it can cater for all community members including:

  • Existing user groups
  • Potential new stakeholders
  • Women and gender diverse people
  • People with disabilities
  • Young people
  • Older adults
  • Any other groups that encompass Maiden Gully residents


We asked your thoughts on how to develop an equitable, safe and well-used space for everyone. This three minute video provides more information.

What’s possible and what's not

What's possible:

  • Activities in identified activity areas
  • Seating, viewing and gathering spaces
  • BBQ space
  • Safety
  • Passive recreation
  • Path locations

What we need to consider:

  • Keep as many big and healthy trees as we can
  • There are limits to how much space is available for play and activities due to the plants and trees in that area
  • We will protect the plants and trees in specific areas
  • The tennis courts and oval will remain in their current location
  • We are creating facilities and structures that everyone can use

How to have your say

  1. Have a look at the the Recreation Reserve Site Plan
  2. Think about what you like about the plan and suggestions for improvement. For example, you may have ideas to make the reserve more accessible or include other activities
  3. Share your answers in the survey

The plan was open for feedback until 5pm, September 8, 2023. We will report back on what you said and will use your input to help finalise the plan. Please follow the project for updates.

Aerial map on Maiden Gully Recreation Reserve




Phone: 1300 002 642

National Relay Service: 133 677 (then quote 1300 002 642)