
Huntly/Bagshot Locality Boundary change has been approved

3 May 2022

Thank you for your interest in this project. The request to formally change the locality boundary for properties in the Wakeman Road area to from the locality of Bagshot to Huntly has now been approved by the Office of Geographic Names.

People whose property addresses are now located in the suburb Huntly VIC 3551 have been informed by post. The City of Greater Bendigo has provided an update to the state map base, which is utilised by all utility companies. Australia Post has also been advised of the change. The map of the proposed boundary change reflects the area that has been included in Huntly.

Map of approved boundary change, Wakeman road area.

(1) Subject land (in Green) Location formerly Bagshot now Huntly

If you have any questions about this please contact Senior Coordinator, Rates and Revenue Katelyn Stone on 1300 002 642.