Status: Closed

Proposed boundary change for Huntly and Bagshot

The City of Greater Bendigo has formally changed the locality name for properties located in the Wakeman Road area from the suburb of Bagshot to Huntly.

The proposal was generated in response to the current growth of the Huntly residential area and the announcement from the Victorian Government about to construct a new Railway Station at the junction with Wakeman Rd. The previous boundary between Huntly and Bagshot was Sherwood Road with development located on the west side in Huntly and the emerging development located on the east side in Bagshot.

Which area was altered?

The suburb boundary change resulted in the suburb of Huntly being extended beyond the Urban Growth Boundary west of Sherwood Road. It included land north of the railway line and south of the Midland Highway to be in Huntly, including the new railway station. The green area shown in the attached map became part of Huntly under the proposal.

The Office of Geographic Names provides guidelines for boundary changes based on topographic or major land use features such as rivers, major roads, and railway lines. This informed the City’s proposal to realign along the railway line and Midland Highway.

The boundary change is intended to enhance the community identity and unify the growing Huntly community. It is also intended to improve wayfinding for emergency services, utilities, and Australia Post.

Naming Authority role

The City is a Naming Authority under the provisions of the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 and is required to resolve all geographic place names in the municipality, except for geographic places of state or national significance. In accordance with the Guidelines for Geographic Names 2010 Section 3.5, the City can recommend a change of locality boundary to the Office of Geographic Names.

Your feedback

Consultation was open from Monday October 4 to 5pm on Friday November 5, 2021. The City is considered all feedback. The City wrote to property owners in the affected area about the proposed boundary change and they were also notified of the successful boundary change. People following the project on Let’s Talk were also notified via email.

Map of proposed change

Map of proposed boundary change, Wakeman road area.

(1) Subject land (in Green) Location currently Bagshot Proposed to be Huntly