
Kindergarten services survey update

28 January 2022

In November 2021, we asked parents and care givers of current and future kindergarten children, and service providers, to complete the Kindergarten services survey. This helped us understand the enablers and barriers to kindergarten participation in Greater Bendigo.

The online survey received approximately 350 responses and stakeholder workshops were facilitated for key service providers, including Shine Bright EYM, Ballarat YMCA, Bendigo Preschool and city services.

Key factors influencing survey respondents' choice of kindergarten:

Barriers to kindergarten participation include:

At the early years’ provider forums similar influencing factors and barriers were identified with additional driving factors including:

  • Safe drop off/pick up locations
  • Facilities need to include additional early years services in the same building
  • Ability to change room sizes, and
  • Staff and storage spaces.

Read the full community engagement report.