
Youth Action Plan survey update

12 April 2023

The draft actions for the Youth Action Plan 2023-2023 opened for public feedback between 31 January 2023 to 28 February 2023.

How did we collect the feedback?

In total we received 138 responses.

Responses received were from:

15 to 19 years of age: 103 responses
10 to 14 years of age: 22 responses
20 to 24 years of age: 3 responses
25 and over: 10 responses

The majority of responses were from women/girls (97 responses)

39 responses from men/boys and

2 responses from those identifying as gender diverse.

The questions, feedback and outcomes:

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback. Responses to each of the three questions were overwhelmingly positive and constructive. Overall, these minor amendments have made the plan more succinct and reduced the 26 actions to 24.

The Youth Action Plan is now waiting final approval.