Status: Complete

Help shape our 2-year Youth Action Plan

On Monday April 24 the City adopted the new Youth Action Plan to guide our commitment to young people in Greater Bendigo. Youth Council are overseeing the whole process and look forward to the implementation of the Youth Actions.

You can view the final plan by clicking on the Youth Action Plan link below.


The outcomes of the community feedback for the draft Youth Action Plan can be viewed below.

If you want to know more about YO Bendigo and the City's youth space visit the YO Bendigo website below or follow YO Bendigo on social media.

The actions

There are 26 actions in the draft Youth Action Plan. These actions are aligned to the 5 priority areas of the Healthy GREATER Bendigo Plan; healthy and well; safe and secure; able to participate; connected to culture and community and liveable.

Previous engagement informed the draft Youth Action Plan, the survey was to make sure we got it right.

Now the Action Plan will be presented to Council for adoption. The outcome and the final plan will be available to the community by the end of April.

The survey asking for feedback on the action areas has now closed. Young people’s input was very important, especially young people aged 12 to 24.

What are the actions?

Our young people are healthy and well

Youth dancing

Action: Review, install and manage contraception access projects (such as condom vending machines and free condom at YO Bendigo)

Action: Provide young people with educational information on consent laws

Our young people are safe and secure

Youth standing together

Action: Provide young people of all backgrounds and identities with safe and welcoming experiences at the YO Bendigo Facility and at events and activities

Our young people are able to participate

Action: Provide micro-credential training and skill development workshops through YO Bendigo that are inclusive and accessible to young people

Action: Provide opportunities to young people to develop skills in the events and creative arts industries through the FreeZa program (YO Events)

Action: Provide opportunities to young people to develop skills in the media and creative industries through the YO Media Team and Ambedo Magazine

Action: Develop and provide opportunities for work experience, student placements and internships for young people within the Engaged Communities team (at YO Bendigo)

Youth getting skills

Action: Link young people to opportunities that provide career planning and pathways to employment such as volunteering and mentoring

Action: Support the implementation of youth-related actions in the City’s Economic Development Strategy 2020-2030

Action: Support young people to feel safe about their gender identity and promote gender equity through events such as IDAHOBIT and Wear it Purple Day

Action: Support the Youth Council to be a voice of young people and provide strategic advice on City plans, strategies and projects so that they better align to the needs of young people

Youth and rainbow flagAction: Develop and implement a Youth Awards program to highlight the contributions and achievements of young people

Action: Support young people’s voices by encouraging diverse contributions to regular editions of Ambedo Magazine

Action: Develop and support youth led opportunities for young people to have their say such as youth forums and youth listening posts

Action: Support the development of empowered and engaged young leaders through training, events and other activities such as public speaking training, leadership training and Youth Parliament

Our young people are connected to culture and community

Youth joined together

Action: Support and provide a diverse range of workshops, activities and events that are accessible and inclusive for all young people regardless of background, identity and access needs

Action: Support the celebration of the diversity of young people in our community in all areas of Greater Bendigo, regardless of background, identity and access needs

Action: Provide skill development and social connection opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people

Action: Support the celebration of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and the promotion of their culture

Young person painting

Action: Activate the YO Bendigo Facility to be welcoming and meet the needs of young people of all young peoples backgrounds, identities and access needs and promote it to young people, youth services and stakeholders

Action: Provide young artists and creatives with performance or exhibition opportunities across the municipality

Action: Provide opportunities for young people to develop life skills to allow them to better participate in the community and improve their sense of belonging

Action: Provide volunteers opportunities through YO Bendigo including YO Events, Ambedo Magazine and Youth Council

Our young people want a liveable future

Two youth high fiveAction: Support young people to voice their concerns regarding climate change and global warming – such as the School Strike for Climate and Greater Bendigo Climate Collaboration

Action: Support young people to have a say about all aspects of liveability in Greater Bendigo

Action: Support young people to connect with youth service providers




  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Draft Youth Action Plan opens for community feedback

    January 31 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Draft Youth Action Plan closes for community feedback

    February 28 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Feedback received is considered and draft plan amended

    March 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Draft Youth Action plan presented to Youth Council

    March 2023

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Draft Youth Action Plan presented to Council

    April 2023

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Community informed of outcome

    End April 2023

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Leon Moulden
Phone 1300 002 642