
Community Granting Policy next steps

16 September 2022

The City of Greater Bendigo's Community Granting Policy (2018) and Program provides an opportunity for incorporated not-for-profit groups and registered businesses to develop projects that complement areas identified as priorities in Council Plan 2021-2025 Mir wimbul.

In April and May 2021, we asked for your input into a review of the Policy. This review helps us ensure the grants program is meeting current community needs. We also want to ensure it is efficient and accessible, as well as equitable, sustainable and transparent.

22 people came to the workshops we held online and around Greater Bendigo. 71 people completed the online survey.

Survey results

Almost two thirds (61.97%) of survey respondents said they were a member of a local community group. Groups who received grants said they helped them support the community.

The Grants Policy principles of transparency, equity and sustainability are important. Survey respondents rated the importance of each principle on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 is “very important” and 1 is “not important”. 85% of respondents said transparency was very important. 89% said equity was very important. 59% said sustainability was very important.

How we can improve

Next steps

The draft policy has included many of the great ideas from the survey on how we can improve. The policy will be going to the Council Ordinary meeting on 12 December for endorsement. Once the policy is endorsed, we will inform the community of the changes, and support capacity building - setting up for success in the 22/23 Financial Year.