
Bendigo City Centre Road Safety Survey - here's what you said!

8 March 2022

Thank you for your interest in the Bendigo City Centre Road Safety Survey. We heard from 399 people who travel to and around the city centre.

  • 41% of respondents indicated that they walk or ride to the City Centre at least weekly
  • 70% of respondents indicated that they walk or ride within City Centre at least weekly

People think the reduced speed limits are safer

More people are walking and cycling since the speed limit was reduced

Graph showing increased walking and cycling in Bendigo City Centre since the speed limit was reduced.

Changes in activity levels since the speed limit was reduced.

Other findings

  • The most popular trip types in the City Centre were for shopping, dining/social and work
  • People chose to walk or cycle because they enjoy the exercise and find it more convenient than driving in the City Centre
  • People avoided walking or cycling in the City Centre when carrying a lot, transporting other people or because it took too long or felt unsafe
  • 5% of respondents indicated that they had a disability whose needs were not met by walking / cycling facilities in City Centre
  • 56% of respondents advised that would walk or ride more if facilities were improved