
Big Hill and Mandurang Valley Landscape Assessment Update

1 February 2024

The Big Hill and Mandurang Valley Landscape Assessment Community Landscape Values was open for community feedback between November 6 and December 8, 2023. In total we received 63 responses, from the 700 views on the page by 395 visitors. The most common themes in the feedback were:

Feedback: What do you value the most?

Feedback: Do you have any concerns?

Feedback: Can you suggest any ways to protect, enhance or improve these landscapes?

What’s next

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback. Your feedback is valuable to the development of this project. The survey responses will be incorporated into the community values section of the draft landscape assessment and the landscape management framework. Once the draft landscape assessment and revised significant landscape boundaries have been prepared, this information will be published to the Let’s Talk project page for community feedback in approximately May-June 2024.