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Status: In progress

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The plan

The Strathfieldsaye Community Hub Precinct Plan is now finalised. We developed it following extensive consultation with the community. The Plan is the long-term vision for the Strathfieldsaye Recreation Reserve (Club Court). It aims to provide more inclusive and flexible spaces for the whole community.

The next steps for implementation have started. There is funding in the 2024/25 financial year to complete design work for:

  • external storage structures
  • a new shared community club building alongside the upper oval

All other elements of the Precinct Plan are not yet funded. They require staged delivery over multiple years, which are subject to budget.

Project updates

Frequently Asked Questions

Stage 3 is the final stage to complete a multi-million-dollar redevelopment of the Strathfieldsaye Community Hub precinct to provide a multi-purpose community facility that will:

  • Create a more inclusive and accessible community facility
  • Provide local level sporting infrastructure for sporting club and community use
  • Provide the local community and sporting clubs with up-to-date facilities for a range of functions and activities
  • Modernise the facilities and amenities to support increased participation and access for all

Strathfieldsaye is a residential and semi-rural area located approximately eight kilometres to the south east of the Bendigo City Centre.

Residential population has increased 85 per cent since 2006. This growth is predicted to continue to over 12,500 people by 2036. In 2020, the estimated population was 6,787. This growth has created greater demand for facilities and opportunities for the community.

Alongside population growth, is the growth of women and girl’s participation in sport, and the recognition of the insufficient facilities to accommodate female participation in accordance with Victoria’s Female Friendly Sports Infrastructure Guidelines.

The City has spent a total of $4,014,000 on Stages 1 and 2. Stage 3 at an estimated cost of $1.5M is currently unfunded.

There are eleven user groups, including a Committee of Management with four users considered primary tenant groups. The primary tenant groups will have responsibility for managing their respective zones however all zones are available for hire in negotiation with the zone managers.

Primary tenant groups are:

  • Colts United Football Club
  • Sedgwick Cricket Club
  • 1st Strathfieldsaye Scouts
  • Strathfieldsaye Bowls Club
  • Facility’s Committee of Management

Secondary tenant groups include:

  • Emu Creek Cricket Club
  • Strathfieldsaye Tennis Club
  • Golden City Pipe Band
  • Strathfieldsaye Dodgers Baseball Club

The precinct is also home to the Strathfieldsaye Early Years Hub which opened in 2018. Strathfieldsaye Primary School is located at the southern of the precinct.

Strathfieldsaye Community Hub currently includes:

  • Two full sized ovals for (cricket and soccer)
  • Two baseball diamonds (one junior, one senior)
  • Two bowling greens
  • Six tennis courts
  • Two multi-lane cricket training nets
  • Baseball batting nets
  • Multiple parking areas

The original (main) building facility features:

  • A large function room and social area with bar facilities
  • A second social area with bar facilities
  • One large commercial kitchen,
  • Two canteens/kiosks
  • Storage areas
  • Toilet, shower and changeroom facilities

The precinct is also home to the Strathfieldsaye Early Learning Centre.

Stage 1 and 2 works are now complete.

The Stage 1 works focused on providing female friendly facilities to enable the user clubs to cater for the growing number of female sporting participants and female umpires in line with community expectations and standards.

This work was funded by the City of Greater Bendigo, a $100,000 grant from Sport and Recreation Victoria and contributions from Sedgwick Cricket Club and Colts United Football Club.

The works across the whole building included:

  • Refurbished changerooms, including female friendly amenities and new unisex umpire changerooms
  • New building extension with bar area, larger canteen/kitchen area
  • New accessible male and female public toilets

Stage 2 works were completed in July 2024 and included the redevelopment of the remainder of the Strathfieldsaye Community Hub building, including club facilities to support the relocation of the Bowls Club and Scouts from their previous locations.

The Stage 2 works included:

  • Refurbished user group areas, storage, function spaces, social areas and bar
  • New accessible male and female public toilets and changerooms
  • Realigned hallways and room configurations for improved access and wayfinding
  • Building extension towards bowling green

Works started on the upgrade of the tennis netball courts in August 2024, with planned completion for early 2025

These works include:

  • New synthetic and acrylic courts with tennis and netball line-marking
  • New rebound wall
  • Two new shelters
  • New path connections and drinking fountain

Stage 3 considers access throughout the precinct, additional sporting facility requirements, general landscaping and amenity improvements.

Proposed works include:

  • Renewal of existing lawn bowls and cricket club building to create spectator areas, storage, kiosk and communal/breakout spaces.
  • An accessible public toilet.
  • Any additional storage requirements for user groups that has not been included in the redevelopment of the Community Hub building.
  • A network of pedestrian paths for access to and throughout the reserve.
  • Areas for community gathering and amenity that will include seating, shading and path connections.
  • General landscaping and tree planting.
  • Improvements to carparking and vehicle access to improve pedestrian safety.
  • Provision of unstructured recreation areas and facilities, fitness stations, and passive communal areas.
  • Protection of trees from compaction by cars, particularly on the east side and south-west of the reserve.
  • Consideration of path lighting as an option

Stage 3 of this project will provide many benefits by:

  • Creating a cohesive landscape that provides opportunities for community connection, active and passive recreation, improved amenities and public facilities such as a new public toilet, fitness and climbing (parkour) stations, furniture, and landscaping
  • Increasing connectivity and accessibility throughout the precinct with a network of pedestrian paths
  • Improving car parking and pedestrian safety
  • Greening and tree planting across the reserve and providing better tree protection of existing mature trees
  • Providing additional sporting storage infrastructure as required
  • Developing a shared use pavilion between existing lawn bowls greens and upper oval

All elements of the plan required funding. The City will submit prioritised elements as part of the annual Council budget deliberations for staged delivery over multiple years.

The track is considered outside the scope of works as the City is undertaking a separate review of service and maintenance guidelines for these facilities.

Renewal of the play space will occur under a separate renewal program, and subject to safety auditing, is planned for renewal in approximately 5-8 years.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Draft Precinct Plan opens for community consultation

    July 31, 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Draft Precinct Plan closes for community consultation

    August 25, 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Feedback considered and final Plan developed

    September 2023 - July 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Final plan published

    An updated plan will be published to the Let’s Talk project page. Priority items were submitted for the 2024/25 budget deliberations in December 2023,including design for a new community pavilion and external storage.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Next stage

    Further items will be prioritised from the Precinct Plan for consideration in Council's 2025/2026 budget and Council Plan deliberations

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Clement Daw
Phone 1300 002 642

Phone: 1300 002 642

National Relay Service: 133 677 (then quote 1300 002 642)