Status: In progress


This survey consists of multiple choice and optional short answer responses. It will take about 10 minutes to complete. Survey responses will be broadly summarised in the Plan. Your responses will not be identifiable and will not be used for any other purpose. Survey was open until 5pm on Monday December 2, 2024. Please follow the project for updates.

About you

This information helps us understand our community better. We will only use it for this survey.

If you live near Rosalind Park, approximately how far away is it from your property?
If you own a business or work near Rosalind Park, approximately how far away is it from your business/place of work?
How often do you visit Rosalind Park?

Flying foxes

How would you rate your experience or interactions with flying-foxes at Rosalind Park?
Are any of the following topics an issue at Rosalind Park in relation to flying-foxes? Select all that apply


How would you rate your experience or interactions with ibis at Rosalind Park?
Are any of the following topics an issue at Rosalind Park in relation to ibis? Select all that apply

Management Plan Priorities

This information will help us plan our maintenance to meet your expectations.

Would you like to see the fernery re-opened to the public in the future? Required The Fernery in Rosalind Park, is currently closed to the public. This area is historically significant. It contains an open-air fernery surrounded by heritage-listed trees. Protected native species, including flying-fox and ibis, currently roost within the fernery.
Which of the following management options do you support for Rosalind Park? Select all that apply
Do any of these management options not appeal to you? Select all that apply
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