Status: Completed

On this page:

The Outcome

Geographic Names Victoria have approved and registered the place name:

  • Wanyarra Dum

You can read the Gazette notification below.

The proposal

The parcel of land at 21 Knight Street, White Hills known as Wanyarra Dum, currently isn't registered with Geographic Names Victoria. There will be no change to the name which the place is currently known as by the community. The City is undertaking this process to officially have these places registered and protect our community.

Wanyarra Dum means frog ponds in Traditional language. The name celebrates the restoration of the frog ponds on the site.

The City of Greater Bendigo is the Committee of Management for this place.

Wanyarra Dum needs to be registered with Geographic Names Victoria.

Community Consultation update

Community consultation was open from January 20, 2024 until February 26, 2024. The community consultation process has now closed. Submissions are now being reviewed and will then be submitted to Council for a decision. Community members who made submissions will be informed via email of the date and location of when this matter will be considered by Council. The outcome of these place names will be published on this project page.

With an initial review of submissions, we have identified the need to clarify the following information.

Make sure objections to the Naming Proposal comply with the principles and process outlined in the Official Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022. An objection is not valid if it is non compliant with the principles and process of the Naming Rules.

Pronunciation of Traditional Owner Language is not recognised as valid reason for objection under the Naming Rules.

It is identified within the Naming Rules (under Principle K) that Traditional Owner names will initially appear complex, however over time they will become familiar and easy to use.

This has been demonstrated with both Ulumbarra and Gurri Wanyarra which are now widely accepted and used within the community.

  • The history of the site

    In 2016, a partnership between Djandak (an arm of Djaara) and the North Central Catchment Management Authority (the agency responsible for responsible for natural resource management in north central Victoria) was developed to improve the water health of Bendigo Creek.

    As part of the project, ponds were reintroduced at the site (21 Knight Street, White Hills) to mimic what the creek once was, a chain of ponds.

  • The current site

    Upon completion of the project, the site was officially named Wanyarra Dum and interpretative signage was installed onsite. The name of the site has not changed for the registration of Place Names project.

    Wanyarra Dum means frog ponds in Traditional language, celebrating the restoration of the frog ponds on the site.

    Bendigo Creek and the bike path runs through the site at 21 Knight Street, they are not being renamed/named as part of this Naming process.


Have your say


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Submissions open

    January 20, 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Submissions close

    February 26, 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Submissions to be considered

    March 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Submitted to Council for a decision

    May 27, 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Submitted to Geographic Names Victoria

    June 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - complete


    The outcome of this place name will be published on the Registration of City Names project page.

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