Status: Completed

On this page:

The Outcome

Geographic Names Victoria have approved and registered the place names:

  • Larni Garingilang
  • Garden for the Future
  • Heritage Gardens
  • Garingilang Way

You can read the Gazette notification below.

The proposal

Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills was registered and recorded as a place name with Geographic Names Victoria in 2011 by the City.

The footprint of the Botanic Gardens White Hills has grown and smaller precincts have been named within the site.

When there are multiple areas/features named within one site, a name for the entire site will be registered, and features within will be listed under the larger sites registration. This is not currently reflected in the registration and needs to be updated.

These features have existing names. There will be no change to the name which the place is currently known as by the community. The City is undertaking this process to officially have these places registered and protect our community.

The place name registration needs to be updated to include;

  • The current registration on VICNAMES does not reflect the precinct growth. As part of the registration update the boundary of the site will be extended (as per the black boundary line outlined on the map)
  • Larni Garingilang needs to be registered as a named feature within Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills
  • Garden for the Future needs to be registered as a named feature within Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills
  • Heritage Gardens need to be registered as a named feature within Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills
  • Garingilang Way needs to be registered as a road that runs alongside the Botanic Gardens White Hills

Community Consultation update

Community consultation was open from January 20,2024 until February 26, 2024. The community consultation process has now closed. Submissions are now being reviewed and will then be submitted to Council for a decision. Community members who made submissions will be informed via email of the date and location of when this matter will be considered by Council. The outcome of these place names will be published on this project page.

With an initial review of submissions, we have identified the need to clarify the following information.

Make sure objections to the Naming Proposal comply with the principles and process outlined in the Official Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022. An objection is not valid if it is non compliant with the principles and process of the Naming Rules.

  • Bendigo Botanic Gardens

    Bendigo Botanic Gardens, White Hills is one of regional Victoria’s earliest Botanic Gardens. It was established in 1857 and is Bendigo’s first public gardens.

    The footprint of the Bendigo Botanical Gardens has grown and now consists of three distinct garden areas. The original site is known as the Heritage Gardens and is now one of the three features of the larger site.

  • The new site features

    The sites expansion saw the development of Garden for the Future and Larni Garingilang which need to be included in the boundary of the Bendigo Botanic Gardens, White Hills. In April 2018, Garden for the Future was officially opened and named, and provides a contemporary botanic garden experience.

    In October 2022 Larni Garingilang was officially opened and named. The garden encourages people to connect with the landscape and the Bendigo creek. Larni Garingilang means ‘home of growth'.

  • Why do all the features have to be registered

    Due to the size of the Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills, and the three distinct gardens within the site, it is important that the City registers the individual features as part of the larger site with Geographic Names Victoria. Due to the growth of the overall site, each feature needs to be registered to help Emergency services pinpoint exact locations of incidents in an emergency.

  • Signage

    All the names are existing and well known to the site. Signage at the site reflects the names being registered.


Map boundaries are an approximate only

Bendigo Botanic Gardens White Hills Place Name Map

Have your say


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Submissions open

    January 20, 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Submissions close

    February 26, 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Submissions to be considered

    March 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Submitted to Council for a decision

    May 27, 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Submitted to Geographic Names Victoria

    June 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - complete


    The outcome of this place name will be published on the Registration of City Names project page.

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