
Domestic Animals Act Orders Feedback

27 June 2023

Greater Bendigo City Council voted to introduce 24-hour cat containment and to change Greater Bendigo from an off-leash default to an on-leash default municipality in 2024.

Community feedback was open from February to March on the proposed orders. The submissions were summarised, with responses to reoccurring topics listed below.

Dogs on leashes

Response: Several additional sporting fields have been included as designated off leash areas following public consultation.

Response: The Domestic Animal Orders only contains designated off leash areas that are City owned or managed. Bush areas may be under State or Federal control with their own controls in place. Areas suggested in feedback that do not come under the Orders included: Quarry Hill Golf Course; Saloman Gully Reserve, Longlea Reserve

Response: Several designated off leash areas have been added to the Order following consultation.

Response: The Orders will provide several obligations for dog owners when using designated off leash areas. This will be a responsible pet ownership approach. Implementation of the Order will be completed using existing resources and will involve a media campaign to ensure residents understand the changes being made. Signage will be amended to reflect the changes as part of the implementation.

Response: The suggested areas are not owned or managed by the city. These areas will be determined by the relevant Committee of Management for that town/area or landowners.

Heathcote currently has an off leash dog park that has been designated in the Orders.

Response: No changes will be made to the existing maintenance of the designated off leash areas regarding fencing, mowing or weed control.

Response: These sites have been removed from the list of designated off leash areas within the Order.

24/7 cat containment

Response: This will through an educational approach to compliance initially. The City is also undertaking a Community Cat Program to desex 300 cats this year. Implementation in July 2024 will allow sufficient time for residents to prepare for the change and will focus on an educative approach initially.

Response: There is no data to support this outcome in other municipalities who have implemented these orders.

Response: There are other options to control vermin. Cats confined to the property are less likely to cause a nuisance and increases the protection of native wildlife.