Status: In progress

On this page:

The project

The City is undertaking a Post-war Thematic Environmental History. This study will focus on the history of development in Greater Bendigo from 1945 to 1980. It will also consider development from 1980 to now.

This study will:

  • Form the basis for a more detailed heritage study that assesses the significance of individual Post-war properties or places
  • Help build our understanding of the period's significance in Greater Bendigo
  • Act as an extension of the City’s Thematic Environmental History from 2013

Why we need this study:

Several post-war sites have come under threat in recent years due to a combination of:

  • Development pressures
  • A lack of background information

Some sites have had heritage overlays applied after a concerted public campaign. Others have suffered from the lack of current protections. Some individual post-war places were included in the Heritage Overlay on an ad hoc basis. But we need to understand the heritage themes and significance of the period better. This will help us recognise and protect more places.

A further study following the thematic history will be needed to determine if individual properties are of heritage significance.

Have your say

  • In-person workshop

    Share your thoughts about post-war heritage by attending a workshop. Please note new time: May 21, 2024 from 10am to 12pm.

    Bookings have closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Thematic Environmental History covers the:

  • physical evolution and
  • principal historical themes in the development of an area.

It is not a complete history, overview or chronology of events.

A Thematic Environmental History is a broad historical overview of an area. A heritage study provides a detailed analysis of individual properties or places.

In 2013 the City progressed a Thematic Environmental History for the municipality. This provides a detailed overview of the history of Greater Bendigo and how different themes shaped its development. But it is largely silent on post-1945 development. This proposed background study will help us to understand how and why Greater Bendigo has developed since 1945, and how that fits within Victoria’s heritage themes. It could lead to more detailed post-war heritage assessments being undertaken.

The study area covers the whole of the City of Greater Bendigo.

The post-war period is from 1945 until the present day. The study will focus mainly on the period between 1945-1980.

A broad range of places could be considered as part of the study. They include private, public and community buildings, facilities and infrastructure.

We want suggestions of properties and places that may be considered significant to the post-war era and why.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement opens

    April 30, 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    In-person workshop

    May 21, 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community engagement closes

    May 27, 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Data analysis

    June 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Community informed of outcome

    July 2024

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project, contact us below:

Name Richie Dean
Phone 1300 002 642