
Positive Ageing Action Plan now adopted by Council

13 June 2023

Council adopted the final Positive Ageing Action Plan on June 26, 2023 ready for implementation to begin from July 1, 2023.

Changes have been made to the final action plan based on feedback from the community and Council.

These changes included:

Simplified language

The whole action plan was reviewed with the aim of making the language used simpler and easier to read. Changes have been made to several actions to enable the wider community to better understand their purpose and ensures the document is clear and concise.

To be able to monitor the progress of actions, a SMART goal focus was incorporation across all actions. This addition meant removing the ‘budget’ and ‘timeline’ columns and adding these details into the body of the document and the actions. A new column titled ‘measures’ was added showing how actions will be monitored, and also makes the City more accountable.

New actions

There are eight new actions in the plan. One new action combined two previous actions into one. The new actions added are based on community and Council feedback and the Equity Impact Assessment. The new actions are:

* This last action replaced two previous actions:

Replaced: Work with City units to ensure community infrastructure and facilities are welcoming, accessible and relevant to the needs of all community members now and into the future.

Replaced: Work with City units to ensure that our built and natural environments are sage and designed to maximise opportunities for social connection.

Actions removed

This Project is no longer funded and will cease continuation from June 30, 2023.

Timelines for completion of this action are June 30, 2023, which falls outside of the Positive Ageing Action Plan implementation period. Transition support will be provided through a navigator role as outlined in the plan.

Other important community feedback