Status: In progress

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The project

What is governance: Governance is the process of overseeing the control and direction of something.

What is good governance: Good governance is about:

What does governance mean for Council: Good governance is important as it provides the local community with confidence that Council, Councillors and the organisation decision making process:

Why have a Framework:

The Framework will provide a structure for the evaluation of services or projects. It will also measure the dual governance structures of the Council and City organisation.

The Framework outlines:

  • What good governance is, and why it is important
  • How it is to be applied
  • The Good Governance Vision
  • The importance of leadership, culture, and respect in good governance
  • What the Act says we need to do, and what the City is doing
  • Our Principles of good governance

The Principles

The City have adopted 7 key principles of good governance:

We have an obligation to report, explain and be answerable for the consequences of decisions to those we represent

The community should be able to clearly see how, and why, a decision was made

Our decisions are consistent with relevant legislation or administrative law (particularly the presumption for natural justice), and are within the powers of the decsion-maker

We will interact with community members in an informed, timely, appropriate and responsive manner

We serve the needs of the entire community - all groups, particularly the most under-represented or marginalised, should feel their interests have been considered

We will implement decisions and follow processes that make the best use of the available people, resources and time to ensure the best possible results for our community

Anyone affected by or interested in a decision should have opportunities to have their voice heard whilst understanding that competing interests are inevitable, valid and must be balanced

The Vision

The Good Governance Charter is a statement made by Council to create a shared understanding of it's commitment, goals and objectives.

  • City of Greater Bendigo Good Governance Vision

    Good governance is important to all City of Greater Bendigo Councillors, Executive and employees. We will be accountable to Our Principles, especially when this becomes difficult or challenging to Council or the organisation. Behaviour that does not accord with these principles will not be tolerated as we acknowledge that the standard we walk past is the standard we set.

Download the Framework

Community feedback on the draft Framework has now closed. Feedback is now being reviewed.

Findings will inform the final draft which will be considered by Council later this year.

Have your say

More information

Download the Local Government Act 2020

Find out more about Governance Rules

Find out more about City of Greater Bendigo Councillors


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Draft Good Governance Framework opens for community feedback

    April 23, 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Draft Good Governance Framework closes for community feedback

    June 3, 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Community feedback reviewed

    June 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Draft Good Governance Framework presented to Council

    Mid 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Community informed of decision

    After Council outcome

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Name Corporate Governance
Phone 1300 002 642