Status: In progress

We're exploring ways to increase sport and active recreation opportunities for everyone and want your help to shape future changes. Sport and active recreation are core parts of our lives. We want sport and active recreation to be available to all, so everyone can fully participate and reach their full potential.

It is difficult for some people to participate in sport and active recreation. Fair, inclusive and safe opportunities can mean different things to different people. This project is about considering the needs of women, girls and gender diverse people, in addition to men and boys. It will also consider other factors that may affect a person participating in sport and active recreation (e.g. age, cultural background, ability, sexual orientation).

This project will result in a new council policy and action plan to increase participation in sport and active recreation.

Have your say

We wanted to hear about everyone’s experiences in sport and active recreation, including past and present participants (such as: players, volunteers and officials), and those that would like to get involved in the future. You can have input by completing the survey.

The survey can take as little or as much time as you like, with multiple choice and text options. The questions are about what you like, what you don’t like, and what could be better about participating in sport and active recreation.

The survey was open until March 10, 2024. Please follow the project for updates.


  • Fair access is about sport and active recreation being available to everyone, so everyone can fully participate and reach their full potential.
  • The policy will be the official position of Council and the City of Greater Bendigo and establish the key principles that govern decision-making on Fair Access.
  • The action plan will be a list of actions that the City and clubs can try to achieve the policy principles.

We want sport and active recreation to be available to everyone. It is difficult for some people to take part in sport and active recreation. Fair, inclusive and safe opportunities can mean different things to different people. This project is about sharing experiences to identify opportunities to increase participation.

This project is about considering the needs of women, girls and gender diverse people, in addition to men and boys. It will also consider other factors that may affect a person participating, such as:

  • age
  • cultural background
  • ability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation

Victorian Government’s Fair Access Policy Roadmap supports this project. Councils across Victoria will be developing Fair Access policies and action plans.

This project will develop actions for clubs and organisations to try to:

  • reduce barriers
  • create new participation opportunities.

This means new ways to attract participants, such as: players, volunteers and officials. It also helps clubs and organisations to remain eligible for funding opportunities.

Sport includes:

  • informal sport e.g. playing tennis with a friend, and
  • organised sport e.g. playing in a competition

Active recreation is leisure time, non-competitive, physical activity for exercise or enjoyment.

Examples of sport and active recreation include:

  • Walking or running
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Gym
  • Active Play (at playgrounds / play centre)
  • Cycling/Bike riding
  • AFL
  • Group fitness classes (e.g. Aerobics, Yoga, Personal Training)
  • Netball
  • Fishing
  • Basketball
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Dancing/Ballet/Calisthenics
  • Soccer
  • Cricket

Participation includes a range of roles, such as: player, volunteer, committee member, umpire, official, spectator. We want to hear from you even if you don't currently or always participate in sport or active recreation.