Status: Closed
The Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) (the Act) provides that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors are entitled to receive from the Council an allowance which is to be set in accordance with a determination of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal. Such determination would be made at the request of the Minister for Local Government.
To date, the Minister has not requested a determination. It is likely a request will be made mid-year and the Tribunal will take at least several months to make a determination.
The Act further provides that until the first determination is made by the Tribunal, the now repealed provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 (Vic) relating to Councillor allowances continue to apply as though they remain in force. Accordingly, it is necessary for Council to complete a review of allowances prior to 30 June 2021.
Councillor allowances are determined based on the population size of a municipality into three categories. Councils may set allowances within the range of their category in consultation with their community. Historically, Council has set its allowances at the maximum limit permitted.
Greater Bendigo City Council has been declared by the Minister for Local Government to be a Category 3 Council. On that basis:
- Councillors are entitled to allowance with the range of $13,123 up to a maximum of $31,444 per annum.
- The Mayor is entitled to an allowance of up to $100,434 per annum.
Council has indicated that it intends to set allowances at the maximum of $31,444 (plus 9.5% superannuation) per annum and the Mayoral allowance at the maximum of $100,434 (plus 9.5% superannuation) per annum.
Submissions have closed.