
Biodiversity Strategy next steps

4 May 2023

Between September and November last year, we asked for your input to help us develop draft Greater Bendigo Biodiversity Strategy. We heard from over 500 people at forums, stakeholder workshops, focus groups, community group meetings on Let's Talk, and in writing. There were 296 Let’s Talk contributions and 11 written submissions.

Major themes from Let’s Talk which helped shape the draft strategy:

  • People value City managed reserves. These include Crusoe Reservoir and Number 7 Park, Kennington Reservoir and Bendigo Creek.
  • Environmental events aren't catering for everyone. About 35% of respondents attended “environmental” events a few times a year. 30% never attended. There was also a 50/50 split in those being a member of an environmental group or not.
  • Most respondents are concerned about Greater Bendigo's native plants and animals.
  • People have noticed degradation to the natural environment over time across Greater Bendigo.
  • Many would like to see environmental restoration in Greater Bendigo. They would also like tighter planning controls and increased education.
  • People would like to see the City support more community education and events like nature walks, workshops and tree planting days.

Community and stakeholder forums confirmed the importance of these themes and the need for greater collaborative approaches to the issues.

Most respondents were between 25 and 75. We are missing the voices of younger residents.

The 5 strategic pillars of the strategy are:

  • Protect

    Greater Bendigo's existing natural values

  • Enhance

    native vegetation communities, habitats and species diversity

  • Connect

    habitats and species through strategic linkages

  • Advocate

    on behalf of the community and environment

  • Engage

    the community in environmental stewardship