
Biodiversity Strategy engagement report

16 August 2023

Thank you for your interest in the draft Biodiversity Strategy. We received 32 survey responses and a further 10 written submissions. We also saw over 1100 people at the face to face events we held as we developed the policy. Most feedback on the draft Strategy was positive. People told us they felt heard and the Strategy met their needs.

What you said

  • Actions around housing development and the planning scheme are good, but stronger regulations suggested.
  • Stronger action on mining impacts
  • Greater recognition of Traditional Owner rights and biocultural values
  • Habitat connectivity plan will be very important. It will need careful consideration of several key factors and how it can be best utilised
  • Urban biodiversity is very important and could have more focus
  • Greater attention needed on roadside weeds
  • Need to also focus on common species so they don’t become endangered
  • Could further highlight the work of other groups/programs and organisations
  • Detail and action needed around roadkill/strike
  • Some key actions missing from priority list/table
  • Enforcement is needed for many infringements that impact biodiversity
  • Specifics around measuring impacts/actions is missing

What we did

In response to feedback, we made several edits or additions to the Strategy, including:

  • Adding or editing text to better reflect Traditional Owner rights, values and address concerns of cultural sensitivity, including addition of biocultural values.
  • Adding further context for mining impacts
  • Adding further text on urban biodiversity values
  • Adding further context on offsetting
  • Adding/amending actions and text on roadside management
  • Additional text on other groups works/programs that support biodiversity conservation
  • New action and text around partnership with Wildlife Victoria and other LGAs on injured wildlife (particularly road collision)
  • An additional two key actions listed in priority list/table
  • Expanded action around enforcement
  • Added a table on measurables for annual reports

Top ranked priorities

The three top ranked priorites were:

Next steps

We are in the process of finalising the Strategy. Please follow the project to hear when it is adopted.